23 March, 2014

In the Mail #2: A Belated Christmas

Again, I'm three months late and three dollars short here, but I figured I'd do my Christmas "In The Mail" post. Better late than never, right? Right.

So Christmas was small this year at my house. There's not a lot of money coming in, but all the same, it was nice. I received a package from my Secret Santa, which was quite heavy, but was instructed not to open it until Christmas day. "Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine," I said. I wound up having to hide the thing in my mom's closet to prevent any accidents involving an XActo knife, broken rules, and an open box.

At last Christmas day came, and hoo-boy, was I spoiled!

First thing to open was the card (as instructed). I'll post the message here, since it has her last name on it and I don't exactly want to give that out...

I hope you enjoy your gifts this year! I got a couple things you probably expected,
and one I know you will definitely be surprised by! Please open the bubble wrapped item last
and I hope you like all the candy, it was tempting to eat myself!
Merry Christmas!
Kelsey ------"

Anyone who knows the first thing about me knows I'm one of the biggest Tolkien/Middle-earth fans you'll find. I have an extensive collection of all things Middle-earth, and my partner catered to my addiction. So, I opened the non-bubble wrapped presents first and found...

"Letters from Father Christmas" and "The Letters of JRR Tolkien"!!! I'd been eyeing these books for a time, but just never got around to buying them. "Father Christmas" is a darling book filled with letters Tolkien used to leave for his four children every year at Christmastime, all the while pretending to be Santa Claus. He'd include maps and paintings and drawings, and talked about his friend the Polar Bear, goblin battles, helpful Snow-Elves, and other wonderful North Pole adventures. I began reading it that night and couldn't stop  smiling until I had finished it. "Letters" is a book filled with just that, the letters Tolkien wrote to various people throughout his life, mostly around the publishing of his books. I've not started reading it just yet, but I have resorted to using it when debating my Tolkien knowledge with relatives (they dare to challenge me, ha!)

Next it was the candy. Now, a few months prior to Christmas I discovered that I was slightly overweight, but knew that with Halloween and Christmas coming, I might as well put off dieting of any kind. Good thing I did.

Chocolate, glorious chocolate! (And a little snowman figure, he's next to the Lindor truffles). Along with the other chocolate I was given, it took me well into January to eat everything. (Funny enough, I've discovered I've lost ten pounds since then. Fancy that!)

Then it was on to the mysterious bubble-wrapped package. I opened it up and found:

A medallion! My very first! I noticed he looked familiar, and when I spoke with my SS, she told me that he was a portrait of my darling boy, Tequila, that she had done herself.

(Opposite side, but you get the idea.) I was practically in tears at that. I hadn't seen my boy in a year due to health problems, and one of my holiest-of-holy grails is a portrait model of him. Getting a portrait medallion was just as special. I couldn't thank her enough for how generous she was.

And, of course, it being Christmas, I was given other horse-y gifts by my family, might as well include them!

Blurry picture, sorry. But these are obviously horse earrings. What isn't so obvious is that their legs move and "gallop"!

Picked this guy out as a stocking stuffer a couple days before Christmas (my parents have me do that sometimes). Yes, that's the Gold Mini Whinnie! I'll admit, I knew the code, so I kind of cheated. Although it did take me and my brother and boyfriend about ten minutes to root through the whole case to find the Gold horse.

And last but not least... the forgotten horse. My parents have gotten me each Holiday Horse since 2009 (I think? When did Nutcracker Prince come out?), and when the present-opening was done, I felt something missing. I asked my parents about him. My mom let out a very colorful word and ran off to her closet, handing me the box minutes later (she had a rough year. She also forgot the tshirt she got me and one of my dad's gift cards.) Either way, I got Holiday on Parade. Needless to say I'm in love. And now I have an ASB!

So that's it for now, kids. I haven't bought any new horses since December, but I do plan to change that soon. Plus it's Spring Fling time (I type as it's stopped flurrying). Now to find a body and get to work to keep myself from guessing which Swap Pony is mine.

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